Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm tired but very happy

It is very tired for me on this days ,but I am every happy,becuase I love this work,as a php programmer .I can get more happlly times form this job.Thank you,my friend ,thank you ,my team!

a every good jquery plugin share with all my firends

jSignature, is a very google jquery plugin for your signature on's allows a user to enter a signature either via a mouse, your finger on touch enabled devices (e.g. iPhones, iPads or Android devices) or a pen input device. This plugin is currently in alpha and is very much just a concept so it may not be ready for production.please see this site for the plugin.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

PHP- Most Popular Open Source Programming Language

With its very origin in the web development arena, PHP has transformed the tradition in which dynamic websites were developed earlier. When a user thinks of going further with the idea of creating a dynamic website, a number of things come to mind. These aspects include its usability, scalability, flexibility and its user friendly nature. Thanks to this widely acclaimed open source programming language that swamped the web development floor to make web developers capable enough to accomplish all of the above mentioned criterion with deep impact.
The factors that make this language highly adaptable with critical web development environment are as below.

An open source programming language:

Being an server side open source programming language, PHP is available free of cost and very easy in coding. PHP is very effective on multi-platforms like Windows, Linux, and UNIX and recognized by the web developer community as the most suitable language for developing dynamic web pages. Due to its availability as the open source programming language, user’s do not require much of the processor space and thus it doesn’t affect the system speed.

An energetic programing language:

PHP functions in a tighten association of HTML in sequence to arrangement energetic essence as well as alternative associated elements upon a page. Only formula that’s created inside a a delimiters is parsed by a PHP.

Less resource utilization:

Using PHP as a procedure during a web development routine doesn’t need an outrageous cube of complement resources. It loads and executes functions as well as processes really fast as it uses Apache module created in C language.

Dynamic content management:

With the very advent of PHP in the web development area, creation of the dynamic content has become very simple. All one has to do is to set the entire content at a central database server. Web developers write codes in order to fetch the contents from the database as and when called for.
Listed below are some of the basic points one needs to know about PHP:
• Easily available coding libraries
• An open source programming language
• Several HTTP server interfaces
• Database support with MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Informix, and PostgreSQL etc.
• Very similar to C and java
• Platform compatibility
If web experts are to be believed, PHP script is very much able to figure out complex web applications related issues faster and easier than other available technologies.


TIOBE Programming Community Index for August 2012

TIOBE Programming Community Index for August 2012

August Headline: Where is C# heading?

Microsoft's C# programming language shows a downward trend for 8 months now. What is happening? On the one hand C# is generally recognized as the enterprise language with most modern and expressive features available today and C# has shown more downward trends in the past and always recovered from this. But, Microsoft announced recently the revival of C++ (in favor of C#) within its company. C# appeared to be too high level to build high performance systems. This is confirmed by what we see happening to TIOBE's embedded software customers: after years of enthusiastic adoption of C#, there is now no significant growth any more. Let's see what happens to C# the next few months.
The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the number of skilled engineers world-wide, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Wikipedia, Amazon, YouTube and Baidu are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TIOBE index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.
The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. The definition of the TIOBE index can be found here.
Aug 2012
Aug 2011
Delta in PositionProgramming LanguageRatings
Aug 2012
Aug 2011
12 C18.937%+1.55% A
21 Java16.352%-3.06% A
36 Objective-C9.540%+4.05% A
43 C++9.333%+0.90% A
55C#6.590%+0.55% A
64 PHP5.524%-0.61% A
77(Visual) Basic5.334%+0.32% A
88Python3.876%+0.46% A
99Perl2.273%-0.04% A
1012 Ruby1.691%+0.36% A
1110 JavaScript1.365%-0.19% A
1213 Delphi/Object Pascal1.012%-0.06% A
1314 Lisp0.975%+0.07% A
1426 Visual Basic .NET0.877%+0.41% A
1515Transact-SQL0.849%+0.03% A
1618 Pascal0.793%+0.13% A
1711 Lua0.726%-0.64% A--
1816 Ada0.649%-0.05% B
1922 PL/SQL0.610%+0.08% B
2029 MATLAB0.533%+0.09% B